Friday, March 15, 2013

Marksmanship: Minuteman, Sportsman, Gentleman

Of all the skills for a gentleman to know, one of the most important ones is knowing how to shoot a gun. Now the question of whether or not to be allowed to own a firearm is a hot topic for us here in the U.S., and I am not supporting either side. That in and of itself is a political debate, and a gentleman does not openly and freely debate politics or religion with those he doesn't know. However, whether you are for or against the ownership of firearms doesn't mean you should not know how to use one. In the right hands a firearm is a tool of skill much like a bow is for archery, and like archery when used properly and responsibly a firearm is a good form of manly entertainment that can produce close bonds with the other men you shoot with.

Why Should the Modern Gentleman Know How to Shoot

There are many reason for the modern gentleman to know how to shoot, and they range from basic survival to social networking. In the days of the fire-lock, guns were the primary source of food. In the 16 and 1700's you didn't go to the local grocery store to get meat. If you wanted that you had grab your good 'ol muzzle loader and spend the day in the wood. Today its a lot easier to get meat. but some men still prefer to go out in the early fall and hunt the meat they will be eating for the next few months. I have fond memories of my dad taking his yearly trips to Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin, and coming back with loads of ground venison and deer steaks. Hunting is not only a task of substance. Its a sport and a bonding experience. Many great gentlemen, like Teddy Roosevelt,  hunted as a way to bond with others as well as with themselves.

Marksmanship is more than just hunting though. It is also a sport and recreational activity. If you watch cable TV, there is no doubt you have probably seen shows like Top Shot. This show is a competition for those who have mastered the art of shooting, but you don't have to be a master to compete. In many areas there are local gun clubs that do them. Also some city community centers offer shooting competitions for people of all ages and skill levels. This is a great way to meet new people.

Another great way to meet new people through shooting is just going to your local gun range. Its a great way  to network. Want to get to get a good connection with a new business partner? Instead of the golf coarse invite him to the gun range. You can get to know him while you just blow through a few rounds, or prove to him your worth by making a competition of who can shoot better. Not to mention most people at gun ranges are very friendly. I always take time when I'm at the range to help someone if its obvious that they are new to shooting or having trouble.

The last reason someone should know how to shoot is for self defense. Just cause you don't believe in owning a fire arm doesn't mean you will never have to use one to protect yourself. Though zombie apocalypse and end of the world scenario are unlikely, a "Without Rule Of Law" event is always a huge possibility. Take Hurricane Katrine for instance, it didn't take much to push the population to just forget how to live civilize. You may not own or want to own a firearm but doesn't mean that you will never have to pick one up and defend your self or family.

Know Your Gun Types

Give the way media in the U.S is talking about firearms there are many misconceived notions as to whats what. One of the most important things to know when you learn how to shoot is knowing what you are shooting. Therefore, since some people get all their information of firearms from the news I want to take a quick minute to describe the different types of firearms.
Glock 22 .40 cal Handgun

First up is the pistol. These guns are meant to be handled in any condition and at close to medium ranges. There are two types of hand gun: This pistol which is magazine fed and generally semi-automatic.The photo to the right of the Glock 22 is an example of a Handgun. The other type of pistol is a revolver. These are normally cylinder fed and can be both semi-auto or single action. A good example of this is what Dirty Harry or Cowboys carried. These guns were originally given as a firearm for Military Officers and were also used as weapons for a gentleman to duel and is now the symbol of  personal/home defense.

Mossberg 500 12 ga. Shotgun with extra barrel
Next up is the Shotgun. One of the most iconic weapon is this descendant of the blunderbuss. The blunderbuss was a gun made for bird hunting. You would cram what ever you could find, rocks, glass, ect. and fire it out in a spread hoping to hit something. Today's modern shot gun is the same way. Shotgun shells can be bought in a range of different loads, to shoot anything from ducks and deer to skeet and door hinges. The shot gun has a reputation for being one of the most versatile guns. Many shotgun manufacture actually make different barrels for different types of shooting and allow for the shotgun to be modified to the occasion. This gun was originally used in the trench warfare of WWI as a gun to be fired at extreme close range where it is most accurate and devastating. Even now it is the weapon of choice for many navy's to handle the close quarter combat that might take place on board a ship. This gun is normally made in pump action and semi-automatic and fed by a built in magazine that must be reloaded by hand when empty.

Springfield 1903
After Shotguns comes the Rifle. The rifle comes in many forms such as Muzzle loaders like those used in the Revolutionary and American Civil Wars, Bolt Actions like those used in WWI, and  Tactical like the semi-automatic AR-15 used by police. Rifles are generally a weapon that if meant to be fired from the shoulder. Where it differs from the shot gun is the type of shot that is fired. Where shotguns normally fire several projectiles at once in what is called a spread, the riffle only fires a single projectile and it is meant to hit targets at range. I could probably write a whole article about rifles and probably will, however for this article all you need to really know is rifes are shoulder fired, single shot, long distance weapons.

Buschmaster AR-15
Black Powder Rifle

Getting into the Hobbie

Now that you have a little knowledge about why you should know how to shoot and what guns are what its time to get in to the sport. First go take a firearms safety class. Most gun ranges offer these and some gun shows offer them too. Once you have taken one, but before you go a buy a gun, go shooting. You may have a friend that owns one and if you don't, almost all gun ranges will let you rent a gun to shoot. Go to the range and shoot a couple of different guns to learn what feels good for you. As you learn, make contacts with those around you who like to target shoot or go hunting, maybe even join a local hunt club. Unless your going to a range never go shooting alone, and always practices safe shooting. As with any other skill repetition is the key to mastery so get out there and train.

Follow christopherdoc.sershon on Gentlemint

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